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Flowering Plants

Garden Care presents flower plants that can be classified as annuals, perennials, bulbs, roses, and shrubs that bloom to make your garden look breathtakingly beautiful. Our expanding range of pre-started live plants is healthy and will speed up your flower garden.So give your garden a fantastic and colorful makeover with our green beauties today.

Fruit & Tree Plants

One-stop destination for Hybrid Grafted Fruit Plant and Trees.Want your garden to be the best part of your home, you are at the right place. If you are looking to buy Fruit Plant for your garden or Patio, we have largest collection of Fruit Plants. Buy Fruit & Trees Plants Including Mango, Chikoo, Guava, Almond tree, Apple, Amla, Grape, Pineapple,etc

Aquatic plants

Best aquatic plants to a wide spectrum of clients such as schools and universities,commercial spaces, water garden beginners, corporate offices and residential spaces. Our large selection of Aquatic plants are chosen and cultivated for their architectural look and varied flower colours to bring your water garden in tone with the rest of your garden.

Lawn Grass

We Implement in growing the lush green Lawn Grass in your garden. The velvety Garden Grass gives a wonderful ambiance to your garden and lawn. The most important aspect of Garden Ornamental Grass, made available by us is that we are proficient in growing them in the span of one day only in your lawn.

Avenue Trees

Avenue trees line a boulevard or border of land. They are usually in a straight line and are of the same species..Avenue trees are planted in urban areas for various purposes including tree shade, climate stabilization, heat absorption, beautification and especially for greenery sources.

Ground Cover Plants

Flowering ground covers are considered very beneficial for the landscaper. They offer both beauty and function, giving your yard color while simultaneously helping you fight weeds and control erosion. We have flowering ground cover like Wedelia and foliage ground cover like Rhoeo, Pilea, and Ribbon grass.


Flowering shrubs help create a beautiful garden design and dramatic presentation. If you want to enrich your garden’s presentation, the inclusion of flowering shrubs will draw the eyes to tall lines, radiating branches, and colors.It blooms from late Spring to midSummer depending on the variety, your spirea may produce pink, red, yellow, and white blooms.

Hanging Plants

Hanging plants allow homes with limited garden space to still have fresh-grown living plants, flowers and also fill the garden with beautiful plants. Hanging baskets look wonderful with a wide variety of hanging plants as long as there is some repetition to the arrangement through its color scheme, texture, and foliage. Hanging plants are super easy to care and maintain.

Bonsai Plants

Bonsai is the artificial production of natural tree forms in miniature appearance. Bonsai plants offer an ideal way for urban residents to enjoy nature‘s beauty at home. They fit in your house, they encourage patience and dedication, they relieve stress, and they help to purify the air, bonsai can transform your balcony, patio or yard in to the eye catching area.


Growing your own herbs can be so rewarding, just think of how your cooking could be enhanced with fresh herbs! The right herbs to grow changes from season to season.We sell fresh potted herbs year-round, with our largest selection available .Herbs are often planted in gardens, flowerbeds or planters. Remember to water, weed and check for pests!

Cactus Plants

Cactus plants are succulent perennial plants. Cacti generally have thick herbaceous or woody chlorophyll-containing stems.Cactus plant requires a small space, little water and minimum attention.Colored flower comes on different cactus like orange, red, pink, purple, yellow, white, and creamy-white.These plants look lovely when placed on windowsills.

Indoor plants

The air-purifying and filtering properties of indoor plants ultimately foster a healthier and happier working and living environment. Indoor plants provide a pleasant and tranquil environment where you can work, relax, and live, but there are also various health benefits that accompany the aesthetically pleasing arrangements.

Climbers & Creepers

Climbers & Creepers are perfect for growing on big window sills, hedges, balcony railings, patio etc.Climber and creeper plants can easily fill the dull corners and can cover the odd patches in your garden quite perfectly and these elegant plants can impart a fresh and charming look to your existing garden.


We offer a wide range of orchids, including Phalaenopsis, Miltonias (Miltoniopsis), Exotics (Oncidiums and Intergenerics), Zygopetalums and other mazing varieties.Each orchid is carefully selected for beautiful flowers that last from several weeks to months, and nurtured so it will thrive in your home with minimal care.

Fragrant Plants

Fragrance in the garden is as essential as color. It is said that of the five senses, smell is the one with best memory. Some of the greatest perfumes are extracted from the best smelling flowers. Often used for healing & relaxing purpose in aroma therapy. Aromatic plants are household names due to their popularity.

Ornamental Shrubs

We offer a wide variety of shrubs, that are used as ornamental plants and for various medicinal purposes. Our shrubs include bougainvillea plants, portlandia grandiflora, crotons, hibiscus plant and others. These shrubs are grown under highly favorable conditions using best quality seeds and fertilizers.


Palms are very versatile in the landscape. Some types of palms have a single trunk and can be used as solitary specimen plants while others are clumping and are used in groups. Grouping together palms of the same species or with other palms makes an interesting tropical landscape.

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Garden Concepts

Butterfly Garden

Butterflies are delightful living jewels that beautify any garden. With a little planning, you can create a garden that welcomes butterflies in all their life stages for enjoyment throughout the summer.

Cactus Garden

Cacti and succulents make outstanding landscaping plants. They require little maintenance, grow in a variety of climates, and are easy to care for and grow.Most will even tolerate neglect.

Herbal garden

We establish herbal garden of various types to popularize the usefulness of commonly available and frequently used Medicinal Plants among the various stakeholders and sensitize the public about our traditional knowledge.

Roof Garden

Roof gardens and green façades also make a significant contribution to capturing particulates, ecology and reducing the Urban Heat Island effect.Roof gardens create space for greenery in urban areas.

Vegetable Garden

Demands sunlight and well-drained soil, preferably sandy loam, but light trumps earth.But it’s awfully hard to manufacture sunlight if your vegetable garden is too much in shade. Try to find a moderately open location.

Vertical Garden

Green walls are self sufficient vertical gardens that are attached to the exterior or interior of a building. They differ from green façades in that the plants root in a structural support which is fastened to the wall itself.